Conserving natural resources
To conserve and protect the region’s natural resources, the Chem Chem Association provides funding to an anti-poaching patrol team of 36 rangers, who operate as our “boots on the ground”.
Through the SMART data collection system, our patrol team records accurate and reliable data on all movements and incidents to curb illegal activities in the Kwakuchinja Corridor.
Over the next three years, and as part of our partnership with USAID, the SMART data collection system will continue to help us to analyse data and maps and simplify the process of monitoring the joint patrol team. The system is efficient in recording incidents, leading to the effective recording and logging of illegal activities.
To conserve and protect the region’s natural resources, the Chem Chem Association provides funding to an anti-poaching patrol team of 36 rangers, who operate as our “boots on the ground”.
Through the SMART data collection system, our patrol team records accurate and reliable data on all movements and incidents to curb illegal activities in the Kwakuchinja Corridor.
Over the next three years, and as part of our partnership with USAID, the SMART data collection system will continue to help us to analyse data and maps and simplify the process of monitoring the joint patrol team. The system is efficient in recording incidents, leading to the effective recording and logging of illegal activities.
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